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[vbscript] CreateObject() servers name

I am trying the Antview ocx.
Is exists the servers name for the functions working vithr CreateObject() in vbscript ?
Set Document = CreateObject("AntViewAx.AntViewDocument", "?? cServerName ??")

With MSWinsock, I worked with :
Set winsock = Wscript.CreateObject("MSWinsock.Winsock", "winsock_")

Thanks for an answer.

Hello Bernard,

Thank you for your question.
Interesting to try it with wscript, might give that a shot in a bit myself.

The servername should be empty as the ActiveX is installed on the local machine.

I notice that you are creating the document interface object. The document interface does not function standalone, you need to connect it to an AntView instance.
So you'd also need to create a AntViewAx.AntView

Something like:
Set Browser = CreateObject("AntViewAx.AntView","")

(2023-01-10, 10:39:35)wila Wrote: Hello Bernard,

Thank you for your question.
Interesting to try it with wscript, might give that a shot in a bit myself.

The servername should be empty as the ActiveX is installed on the local machine.

I notice that you are creating the document interface object. The document interface does not function standalone, you need to connect it to an AntView instance.
So you'd also need to create a AntViewAx.AntView

Something like:
Set Browser = CreateObject("AntViewAx.AntView","")

Hello Wil,
Thanks for your answer.
I try this and something and I give you the result.

..and.. I just see that the wscript.CreateObject and vba's CreateObject have a difference in how they interpret the 2nd parameter.

(2023-01-10, 10:50:41)Bernard Mouille Wrote: Hello Wil,
Thanks for your answer.
I try this and something and I give you the result.


I played a bit with it and wasn't successful.
Not sure yet, but I think that we're missing an application object to host the control on.
Eg. something like "AntViewAx.Application" ...

Similar like the internet explorer had and all the office products.

Perhaps you're more lucky, but for the moment it looks like we're missing something in order to be able to do this.
I have opened a ticket for this to look into.

That will take a bit of time though as there are a few other feature requests in the line before this one.
(2023-01-10, 11:23:25)wila Wrote:
(2023-01-10, 10:50:41)Bernard Mouille Wrote: Hello Wil,
Thanks for your answer.
I try this and something and I give you the result.


I played a bit with it and wasn't successful.
Not sure yet, but I think that we're missing an application object to host the control on.
Eg. something like "AntViewAx.Application" ...

Similar like the internet explorer had and all the office products.

Perhaps you're more lucky, but for the moment it looks like we're missing something in order to be able to do this.
I have opened a ticket for this to look into.

That will take a bit of time though as there are a few other feature requests in the line before this one.

I have made a little code for that I want.

Antother question :
- It is an example to accept the cookies ?



' Test de AntView ocx with VBScript.

' Defaults :
' 1 - Can not use the default webview2 folder ( CreateWebView() failed ).
' 2 - Error "violation memory" in line :
'    Set EdgeWebBrowser = Wscript.CreateObject( "AntViewAx.Antview", "EdgeWebBrowser_" )
'    but works.

' Using 2023-01-16 :
' - Windows 10 up to date.
' - AntWiew ocx last version.

option explicit

Const ct_cUrl = "" ' URL to use.

Public pu_cHtml : pu_cHtml = bv_DirBase() & "\_Result_html.txt"  ' TXT source file created.
Public pu_cPdf  : pu_cPdf  = bv_DirBase() & "\_Result_pdf.pdf"    ' PDF file created.

Public pu_nEvent ' Indicate when the event function is finish.
                ' 0 = In work.
                ' 1 = Finshed ok.
                ' 2 = Finished fail.

Dim Document          ' AntViewAx.AntViewDocument object.
Dim EdgeWebBrowser    ' AntViewAx.Antview object.
Dim i                  ' Count variable.

' Erase the old files.
bv_fErase( pu_cPdf  )
bv_fErase( pu_cHtml )

' Create a directory for the user datas, not works with the default folder.
bv_Makedir( bv_DirBase() & "\vb_UserDatas" )

' Error Violation memory, no exception.
On Error Resume Next
  Set EdgeWebBrowser = Wscript.CreateObject( "AntViewAx.Antview", "EdgeWebBrowser_" )
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      MsgBox( "Error = " & Err.Number & " Description = "  & Err.Description )
  End If
On Error GoTo 0

' CreateWebView() failed if use defaut directory.
EdgeWebBrowser.UserDataFolder = bv_DirBase() & "\vb_UserDatas"


For i = 1 to 60 Step 1
  if EdgeWebBrowser.WebViewCreated Then Exit For
  wscript.sleep 1000

If not EdgeWebBrowser.WebViewCreated Then
  Set EdgeWebBrowser = Nothing
  MsgBox "WebViewCreated() fail !"
End If

Set Document = Wscript.CreateObject( "AntViewAx.AntViewDocument", "Document_" )
Document.BrowserDispatch( EdgeWebBrowser.IDispatchPointer )

' Open the URL.
pu_nEvent = 0
EdgeWebBrowser.Navigate( ct_cUrl )
For i = 1 to 60 Step 1
  If pu_nEvent <> 0 Then Exit For
  wscript.sleep 1000
If pu_nEvent <> 1 Then
  MsgBox "Navigate() fail !"
  Set EdgeWebBrowser = Nothing
  Set Document      = Nothing
End If

' Print to PDF.
pu_nEvent = 0
EdgeWebBrowser.PrintToPdf pu_cPdf, ""
For i = 1 to 60 Step 1
  If pu_nEvent <> 0 Then Exit For
  wscript.sleep 1000

' Get HTML source.
pu_nEvent = 0
For i = 1 to 60 Step 1
  If pu_nEvent <> 0 Then Exit For
  wscript.sleep 1000

Set EdgeWebBrowser = Nothing
Set Document      = Nothing

MsgBox "End of script, look the created files."

' ***** Event functions *****

Sub Document_OnRequestCurrentHtml( cHtml )
  pu_nEvent = 1
  bv_MemoWrit pu_cHtml, cHtml
End Sub

Sub EdgeWebBrowser_OnNavigationCompleted( IsSuccess, WebErrorStatus, NavigationId )
  If IsSuccess Then
      pu_nEvent = 1
      pu_nEvent = 2
  End If
End Sub

Sub EdgeWebBrowser_OnPrintToPdfCompleted( HResult, IsSuccessful )
  If IsSuccessful Then
      pu_nEvent = 1
      pu_nEvent = 2
      MsgBox "OnPrintToPdfCompleted() fail, HResult = ] " & HResult
  End If
End Sub

' ***** Used tools *****

' Get the default directory.
Function bv_DirBase()
  bv_DirBase = Left( WScript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev( WScript.ScriptFullName, "\" ) )
End Function

' Erase a file.
Sub bv_fErase( cFile_bv )
  Dim oFso_bv
  Set oFso_bv = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  If oFso_bv.FileExists( cFile_bv ) Then
      oFso_bv.DeleteFile cFile_bv
  End If
  Set oFso_bv = Nothing
End Sub

' Create a directory.
Sub bv_Makedir( cDir_bv )
  Dim oFso_bv
  Set oFso_bv = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  If Not oFso_bv.FolderExists( cDir_bv ) Then
      oFso_bv.CreateFolder( cDir_bv )
  End If
  Set oFso_bv = Nothing
End Sub

' Write a string in a file.
Sub bv_MemoWrit( cFile_bv, cString_bv )
  Dim oFile_bv
  Dim oFso_bv
  Set oFso_bv = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  If oFso_bv.FileExists( cFile_bv ) Then
      oFso_bv.DeleteFile cFile_bv
  End If
  Set oFile_bv = oFso_bv.OpenTextFile( cFile_bv, vbString, True )
  oFile_bv.Write cString_bv
  Set oFso_bv = Nothing
End Sub
Hi Bernard,

Are you using the latest AntView version (1.1.236) ?

I'm asking as I see this code:

For i = 1 to 60 Step 1
  if EdgeWebBrowser.WebViewCreated Then Exit For
  wscript.sleep 1000
and also:
EdgeWebBrowser.Navigate( ct_cUrl )
For i = 1 to 60 Step 1
  If pu_nEvent <> 0 Then Exit For
  wscript.sleep 1000

You should be able to use CreateWebViewSync and NavigateSync for those.

Document.RequestCurrentHtml also has a synchronous version: Document.RequestCurrentHtmlSync

I'm surprised to see that the sleep works in wscript as it doesn't in most other languages.

Re. Cookies.

At the moment the only way to access cookies is by injecting Javascript in the page and read them that way.
However I will look into that asap as WebView2 does expose functionality for managing cookies and we're still missing that in AntView.

(2023-01-16, 13:38:04)wila Wrote: Hi Bernard,

Are you using the latest AntView version (1.1.236) ?

Yes, I use.

I'm asking as I see this code:

For i = 1 to 60 Step 1
  if EdgeWebBrowser.WebViewCreated Then Exit For
  wscript.sleep 1000
and also:
EdgeWebBrowser.Navigate( ct_cUrl )
For i = 1 to 60 Step 1
  If pu_nEvent <> 0 Then Exit For
  wscript.sleep 1000

You should be able to use CreateWebViewSync and NavigateSync for those.
Document.RequestCurrentHtml also has a synchronous version: Document.RequestCurrentHtmlSync

Thanks, I shall try this.

I'm surprised to see that the sleep works in wscript as it doesn't in most other languages.

I work with this for a long time.

Re. Cookies.

At the moment the only way to access cookies is by injecting Javascript in the page and read them that way.
However I will look into that asap as WebView2 does expose functionality for managing cookies and we're still missing that in AntView.

OK, to look...


Hello Wil,
Thanks for your answers.
My answers arent in you before post.
Like Vasile, I work in dBase and I try in VBScript to correct the not possible things with dBase.

Sorry if I'm not completely clear.

I know what you are using sleep for. What I meant to say is that it blocks the functionality in other languages when you try to use sleep for example on CreateWebView then WebView2 never gets created.
Looks like that that is no problem for you with wscript.

Hopefully though the synchronous alternatives work for you as this is the type of logic they are designed to replace/simplify.

re. Cookie manager.
Not just look Smile
It will be implemented, just can't give an exact timeline at the moment, but I will give it high priority.

(2023-01-16, 14:13:30)wila Wrote: Bernard,

Sorry if I'm not completely clear.

I know what you are using sleep for. What I meant to say is that it blocks the functionality in other languages when you try to use sleep for example on CreateWebView then WebView2 never gets created.
Looks like that that is no problem for you with wscript.

Hopefully though the synchronous alternatives work for you as this is the type of logic they are designed to replace/simplify.

re. Cookie manager.
Not just look Smile
It will be implemented, just can't give an exact timeline at the moment, but I will give it high priority.


Ok, thanks.
I continue my tests for look if all is ok for my application and my son's company by your licence.
(2023-01-16, 13:00:20)Bernard Mouille Wrote: Antother question :
- It is an example to accept the cookies ?

Hello Bernard,

The cookiemanager code was just completed and I am currently testing that.
Then I looked back at your question above and I now realize that it is not what you asked! (Oh dear)

Accepting cookies on a website is not something that has a single solution as every website can use their own cookie banner.
Looking at the URL you supplied above, the cookie banner that pops up can be clicked on via javascript.
The following snippet did it for me.
var button = document.getElementsByClassName("cmplz-accept")

So basically identify the html object you want to click, followed by sending a click.

You can insert any javascript you want in a page rendered by AntView.
This is showcased in the examples that come with AntView.
For example in Visual Basic see the frmExchangeRatesDemo.frm demo where the RunAnonymousFunction method is showcased.

Another way would be by using ExecuteScript.

OTOH if you want to access and manipulate cookies on any page then I can get you that now too. Tongue 
But I guess that you won't need it, at least for now.

Hope this helps,
(2023-02-01, 18:02:51)wila Wrote:
(2023-01-16, 13:00:20)Bernard Mouille Wrote: Antother question :
- It is an example to accept the cookies ?

Hello Bernard,

The cookiemanager code was just completed and I am currently testing that.
Then I looked back at your question above and I now realize that it is not what you asked! (Oh dear)

Accepting cookies on a website is not something that has a single solution as every website can use their own cookie banner.
Looking at the URL you supplied above, the cookie banner that pops up can be clicked on via javascript.
The following snippet did it for me.
var button = document.getElementsByClassName("cmplz-accept")

So basically identify the html object you want to click, followed by sending a click.

You can insert any javascript you want in a page rendered by AntView.
This is showcased in the examples that come with AntView.
For example in Visual Basic see the frmExchangeRatesDemo.frm demo where the RunAnonymousFunction method is showcased.

Another way would be by using ExecuteScript.

OTOH if you want to access and manipulate cookies on any page then I can get you that now too. Tongue 
But I guess that you won't need it, at least for now.

Hope this helps,

Hello Wil,
Many thanks for the sample.
I look all this.
OK, let me know when you have more questions.

Hello Wil,
Finaly I have found a way to work with VBScript without WScript.CreateObject().
My code below.
' Test of AntView ocx with VBScript and Scripting Window SystemObject ocx.
' Sorry for the error(s), I am AntView and Scripting Window SystemObject junior.
' I would be happy to have your comments on this script.
' Download the Scripting Window SystemObject ocx :
' This code is a basic sample.

Option Explicit

' Parameters.
Dim pu_cHtml  : pu_cHtml = bv_DirBase() & "\_Result_html.txt"   ' TXT source file created.
Dim pu_cPdf   : pu_cPdf  = bv_DirBase() & "\_Result_pdf.pdf"    ' PDF file created.
Dim pu_cProp  : pu_cProp  = bv_DirBase() & "\_Result_Props.txt" ' TXT EdgeWebBrowser properties file created.
Dim pu_cWeb   : pu_cWeb  = "c:\Url_UserDataFolder"              ' Webview2 files folder.
Dim pu_nSpace : pu_nSpace = 37                                  ' Spaces in the EdgeWebBrowser properties function.

' Private variables.
Dim cPids          ' String of PIDs of WebView2 arent running.
Dim Document       ' Object for AntViewAx.AntViewDocument.
Dim DoMenu         ' Object for the menus.
Dim EdgeWebBrowser ' Object for the AntView browser.
Dim Form           ' Object for the form window.
Dim MenuBar        ' Object for the menus.
Dim mBrowserProp   ' Object for the menu list properties of EdgeWebBrowser.
Dim mCookiesYes    ' Object for accept the cookies.
Dim mGetHtml       ' Object for get the html source.
Dim mNavigate      ' Object for menu navigate.
Dim mPrintToPdf    ' Object for menu print to pdf.
Dim oUrls          ' Object for the combobx.
Dim ReBar          ' Object for all menus.
Dim StatusBar      ' Object for the status bar.
Dim ToolBar        ' Object for the choices.
Dim Wso            ' Object for Scripting Window SystemObject.

' Look and kill the precedent msedgewebview2.exe if running.
cPids = bv_GetAllPidForExeRun( "msedgewebview2.exe" )
If Len( cPids ) > 0 Then
   If MsgBox( "Do you want to kill the old(s) msedgewebview2.exe ?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Question" )= vbYes Then
      bv_KillAllExeByPids( cPids )
   End If
End If

' Create the Scripting Window SystemObject
On Error Resume Next
   Set Wso = WScript.CreateObject( "Scripting.WindowSystemObject" )
   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      MsgBox( "***Error = " & Err.Number & ", Description = "  & Err.Description )
   End If
On Error GoTo 0

' Create the window.
Set Form          = Wso.CreateForm()
Form.ClientWidth  = 800
Form.ClientHeight = 500
Form.Text    = "Test of AntView Web Browser"
Form.OnClose = GetRef( "Form_OnClose" )

' Create a menu bar.
Set ReBar   = Form.CreateReBar(    0, 0, 0, 0 )
Set MenuBar = ReBar.CreateMenuBar( 0, 0, 0, 25 )

' Create the 1st choice group.
Set DoMenu = MenuBar.Menu.Add( "Menu" )

' Create the choices of the 1st group.

Set mNavigate       = DoMenu.Add( "Navigate" )
mNavigate.OnExecute = GetRef( "Menu_Navigate" )

Set mCookiesYes       = DoMenu.Add( "Cookies Yes" )
mCookiesYes.OnExecute = GetRef( "Menu_CookiesYes" )

Set mPrintToPdf       = DoMenu.Add( "Print To Pdf" )
mPrintToPdf.OnExecute = GetRef( "Menu_PrintToPdf" )

Set mGetHtml       = DoMenu.Add( "Get Html" )
mGetHtml.OnExecute = GetRef( "Menu_GetHtml" )

Set mBrowserProp       = DoMenu.Add( "Browser Prop" )
mBrowserProp.OnExecute = GetRef( "Menu_BrowserProp" )

' Write a line and create the choice for quit.
DoMenu.Add "-"
DoMenu.Add( "Quit" ).OnExecute = GetRef( "Form_Close" )

' Create shortcuts buttons for menus.
Set ToolBar = ReBar.CreateToolBar( 0, 0, 0, 25 )
ToolBar.ShowText = true
ToolBar.Buttons.Add( mNavigate )
ToolBar.Buttons.Add( mCookiesYes )
ToolBar.Buttons.Add( mPrintToPdf )
ToolBar.Buttons.Add( mGetHtml )
ToolBar.Buttons.Add( mBrowserProp )

' Create a combobox for select or write an URL address.
Set oUrls = ReBar.CreateComboBox( 0, 0, 100, 25 )
ReBar.Band( oUrls ).Text = "Address"
oUrls.Add( "" )
oUrls.Add( "" )
oUrls.Add( "" )
oUrls.Text = ""

' Create a status bar.
Set StatusBar                 = Form.CreateStatusBar()
StatusBar.Add( 100 ).AutoSize = True
StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text      = "Select something in the menu"

' Create the AntView ActiveX.
Set EdgeWebBrowser   = Form.CreateActiveXControl( 0, 0, 0, 0, "{7E146B1D-42ED-4386-904F-9A9EDB61F9AE}" )
EdgeWebBrowser.Align = Wso.Translate( "AL_CLIENT" )

' CreateWebView() failed if use defaut directory.
EdgeWebBrowser.Control.UserDataFolder = pu_cWeb

' AntView ActiveX events functions to execute.
EdgeWebBrowser.Events.OnExecuteScript       = GetRef( "EdgeWebBrowser_OnExecuteScript"       )
EdgeWebBrowser.Events.OnNavigationCompleted = GetRef( "EdgeWebBrowser_OnNavigationCompleted" )
EdgeWebBrowser.Events.OnPrintToPdfCompleted = GetRef( "EdgeWebBrowser_OnPrintToPdfCompleted" )

' *** Form events functions. ***

Sub Form_OnClose()
End Sub

' *** EdgeWebBrowser events functions. ***

Sub Document_OnRequestCurrentHtml( cHtml )
   ReBar.Enabled = True
   bv_MemoWritU pu_cHtml, cHtml
   bv_Run pu_cHtml, 1, False
   StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text = "Select something in the menu"
End Sub

Sub EdgeWebBrowser_OnExecuteScript( HResult, JsonObject )
   ReBar.Enabled = True
   If Not HResult = 0 Then
      MsgBox "ExecuteScript() fail, HResult = " & Cstr( HResult ) & "."
   End If
   StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text = "Select something in the menu"
End Sub

Sub EdgeWebBrowser_OnNavigationCompleted( IsSuccess, WebErrorStatus, NavigationId )
   ReBar.Enabled = True
   If Not IsSuccess Then
      MsgBox "Navigation error = " & CStr( WebErrorStatus ) & "."
   End If
   StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text = "Select something in the menu"
End Sub

Sub EdgeWebBrowser_OnPrintToPdfCompleted( HResult, IsSuccessful )
   ReBar.Enabled = True
   If IsSuccessful Then
      bv_Run pu_cPdf, 1, False
      MsgBox "PrintToPdf() fail, HResult = " & CStr( HResult ) & "."
   End If
   StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text = "Select something in the menu"
End Sub

' *** Menu functions.

Sub Menu_CookiesYes()
   Dim cUrl
   Dim cJscript
   If Len( EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DocumentTitle ) < 1 Then
      MsgBox "You must to navigate befor run this function."
      Exit Sub
   End If
   StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text = "Accept the cookies"
   cUrl = oUrls.Text
   If cUrl = "" Then
      cJscript = "var button = document.getElementsByClassName(""cmplz-accept"");" & vbCrLf
      cJscript = cJscript & "button[0].click();"
   ElseIf cUrl = "" Then
      cJscript = "var button = document.getElementsByClassName(""QS5gu sy4vM"");" & vbCrLf
      cJscript = cJscript & "button[1].click();" ' button[0] = not accept.
      MsgBox "Code in not in this script for this URL."
      Exit Sub
   End If
   ReBar.Enabled = False
   EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ExecuteScript cJscript
   ' The next is in EdgeWebBrowser_OnExecuteScript()
End Sub

Sub Menu_GetHtml
   If Len( EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DocumentTitle ) < 1 Then
      MsgBox "You must to navigate befor run this function."
      Exit Sub
   End If
   StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text = "Get the html source"
   bv_fErase( pu_cHtml )
   ReBar.Enabled = False
   ' The next is in Document_OnRequestCurrentHtml()
End Sub

Sub Menu_Navigate()
   Dim i    ' Count variable.
   If Len( oUrls.Text ) < 5 Then
      MsgBox "No URL selected !"
      Exit Sub
   End If
   ReBar.Enabled = False
   If Not EdgeWebBrowser.Control.WebViewCreated Then
      StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text = "Create a WebViewver"
      For i = 1 to 60 Step 1
         If EdgeWebBrowser.Control.WebViewCreated Then Exit For
         bv_Sleep( 1 )
      If Not EdgeWebBrowser.Control.WebViewCreated Then
         ReBar.Enabled = True
         MsgBox "WebViewCreated() fail !"
         StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text = "Select something in the menu"
         Exit Sub
      End If
      Set Document = Wscript.CreateObject( "AntViewAx.AntViewDocument", "Document_" )
      Document.BrowserDispatch( EdgeWebBrowser.Control.IDispatchPointer )
   End If
   StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text = "Navigate URL = " & oUrls.Text
   EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Navigate( oUrls.Text )
   ' The next is in EdgeWebBrowser_OnNavigationCompleted()
End Sub

Sub Menu_PrintToPdf
   If Len( EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DocumentTitle ) < 1 Then
      MsgBox "You must to navigate befor run this function."
      Exit Sub
   End If
   StatusBar.Item( 0 ).Text = "Print to pdf"
   ReBar.Enabled = False
   bv_fErase( pu_cPdf )
   EdgeWebBrowser.Control.PrintToPdf pu_cPdf, ""
   ' The next is in EdgeWebBrowser_OnPrintToPdfCompleted()
End Sub

Sub Menu_BrowserProp()
   Dim cProps
   bv_fErase( pu_cProp )
   cProps = "EdgeWebBrowser properties." & vbCrLf
   cProps = cProps & "!"     & String( pu_nSpace    , "-" )& "!-------------!" & vbCrLf
   cProps = cProps & "!Name" & String( pu_nSpace - 4, " ") & "!Type         !Value" & vbCrLf
   cProps = cProps & "!"     & String( pu_nSpace    , "-") & "!-------------!" & vbCrLf
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Active"                                , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Active                                 ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "AdditionalBrowserArguments"            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.AdditionalBrowserArguments             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "AlignDisabled"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.AlignDisabled                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "AlignWithMargins"                      , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.AlignWithMargins                       ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount", EdgeWebBrowser.Control.AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "AlignDisabled"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.AlignDisabled                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "AutoScroll"                            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.AutoScroll                             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "AutoSize"                              , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.AutoSize                               ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "AxBorderStyle"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.AxBorderStyle                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "BorderWidth"                           , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.BorderWidth                            ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "BrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled"         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.BrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "BrowserProcessID"                      , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.BrowserProcessID                       ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "BrowserProcessIDLong"                  , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.BrowserProcessIDLong                   ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "BrowserVersionString"                  , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.BrowserVersionString                   ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "BuiltInErrorPageEnabled"               , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.BuiltInErrorPageEnabled                ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "CanGoBack"                             , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.CanGoBack                              ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "CanGoForward"                          , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.CanGoForward                           ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Caption"                               , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Caption                                ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Color"                                 , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Color                                  ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ContainsFullScreenElement"             , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ContainsFullScreenElement              ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Controller"                            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Controller                             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "CookieManager"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.CookieManager                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "CreateWebViewOnCreate"                 , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.CreateWebViewOnCreate                  ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "CurrentPPI"                            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.CurrentPPI                             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DefaultContextMenusEnabled"            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DefaultContextMenusEnabled             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DefaultInterface"                      , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DefaultInterface                       ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DefaultScriptDialogsEnabled"           , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DefaultScriptDialogsEnabled            ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DefaultUserDataFolderLocation"         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DefaultUserDataFolderLocation          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DemoDaysLeft"                          , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DemoDaysLeft                           ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DevToolsEnabled"                       , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DevToolsEnabled                        ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DockSite"                              , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DockSite                               ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DocumentTitle"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DocumentTitle                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DoubleBuffered"                        , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DoubleBuffered                         ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DownloadDialogCornerAlignment"         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DownloadDialogCornerAlignment          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "DropTarget"                            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.DropTarget                             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Enabled"                               , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Enabled                                ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Environment"                           , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Environment                            ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "EventsUseHexadecimal"                  , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.EventsUseHexadecimal                   ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ExplicitHeight"                        , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ExplicitHeight                         ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ExplicitLeft"                          , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ExplicitLeft                           ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ExplicitTop"                           , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ExplicitTop                            ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ExplicitWidth"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ExplicitWidth                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Font"                                  , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Font                                   ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "GeneralAutofillEnabled"                , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.GeneralAutofillEnabled                 ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "HelpFile"                              , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.HelpFile                               ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "IDispatchPointer"                      , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.IDispatchPointer                       ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "KeyPreview"                            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.KeyPreview                             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Language"                              , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Language                               ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "LastErrorCode"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.LastErrorCode                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "LastErrorMessage"                      , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.LastErrorMessage                       ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "MouseInClient"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.MouseInClient                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Muted"                                 , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Muted                                  ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "NextFocusWindowHandle"                 , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.NextFocusWindowHandle                  ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "NextFocusWindowHandleUInt"             , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.NextFocusWindowHandleUInt              ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ParentCustomHint"                      , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ParentCustomHint                       ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ParentDoubleBuffered"                  , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ParentDoubleBuffered                   ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "PasswordAutosaveEnabled"               , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.PasswordAutosaveEnabled                ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "PixelsPerInch"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.PixelsPerInch                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "PopupMode"                             , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.PopupMode                              ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "PreviousFocusWindowHandle"             , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.PreviousFocusWindowHandle              ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "PreviousFocusWindowHandleUInt"         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.PreviousFocusWindowHandleUInt          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "PrintScale"                            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.PrintScale                             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Scaled"                                , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Scaled                                 ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ScaleFactor"                           , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ScaleFactor                            ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ScreenSnap"                            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ScreenSnap                             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ScriptEnabled"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ScriptEnabled                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Settings"                              , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Settings                               ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "SizeRatio"                             , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.SizeRatio                              ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "SnapBuffer"                            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.SnapBuffer                             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Source"                                , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Source                                 ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "StatusBarEnabled"                      , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.StatusBarEnabled                       ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "StatusBarText"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.StatusBarText                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "StyleName"                             , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.StyleName                              ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "SynchronousTimeOut"                    , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.SynchronousTimeOut                     ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion"        , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion         ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "UseDockManager"                        , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.UseDockManager                         ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "UserAgent"                             , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.UserAgent                              ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "UserDataFolder"                        , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.UserDataFolder                         ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "VersionString"                         , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.VersionString                          ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "Visible"                               , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.Visible                                ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "VisibleDockClientCount"                , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.VisibleDockClientCount                 ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "WebMessageEnabled"                     , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.WebMessageEnabled                      ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "WebResourceResponseReceivedEnabled"    , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.WebResourceResponseReceivedEnabled     ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "WebView2LoaderPath"                    , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.WebView2LoaderPath                     ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "WebViewCreated"                        , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.WebViewCreated                         ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "WindowClosedRequestEnabled"            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.WindowClosedRequestEnabled             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ZoomControlEnabled"                    , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ZoomControlEnabled                     ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next : cProps = cProps & WriteProperty( "ZoomFactor"                            , EdgeWebBrowser.Control.ZoomFactor                             ) : Err.Clear : On Error GoTo 0
   cProps = cProps & "!"     & String( pu_nSpace    , "-") & "!-------------!" & vbCrLf
   bv_MemoWritU pu_cProp, cProps
   bv_Run pu_cProp, 1, False
End Sub

Function WriteProperty( cName, xProperty )
   Dim cStringe  ' String created.
   cStringe      = "!" & cName & String( pu_nSpace - Len( cName ), " ") & "!"
   cStringe      = cStringe & TypeName( xProperty ) & String( 13 - Len( TypeName ( xProperty ) ), " ") & "!"
   WriteProperty = cStringe & xProperty & vbCrLf
End Function

Sub Form_Close( Sender )
End Sub


Set Document       = Nothing
Set EdgeWebBrowser = Nothing
Set Form           = Nothing
Set Wso            = Nothing


' *** Tools functions. ***

' Get the default directory.
Function bv_DirBase()
   bv_DirBase = Left( WScript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev( WScript.ScriptFullName, "\" ) )
End Function

' Erase a file.
Sub bv_fErase( cFile_bv )
   Dim oFso_bv
   Set oFso_bv = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
   If oFso_bv.FileExists( cFile_bv ) Then
      oFso_bv.DeleteFile cFile_bv
   End If
   Set oFso_bv = Nothing
End Sub

' Get a string with coma with the PIDs of an exe is running.
Function bv_GetAllPidForExeRun( cExe_bv )
   Dim cPids_bv
   Dim oPid_bv
   Dim oLocator_bv
   Dim oProcess_bv
   Dim oWMI_bv
   Set oLocator_bv = CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" )
   Set oWMI_bv     = oLocator_bv.ConnectServer( ".", "root\cimv2" )
   oWMI_bv.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
   Set oProcess_bv = oWMI_bv.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_Process where Name = '" & cExe_bv & "'" )
   cPids_bv        = ""
   For each oPid_bv in oProcess_bv
      cPids_bv = cPids_bv & Cstr( oPid_bv.ProcessId ) & ","
   Set oPid_bv           = Nothing
   Set oLocator_bv       = Nothing
   Set oProcess_bv       = Nothing
   Set oWMI_bv           = Nothing
   bv_GetAllPidForExeRun = cPids_bv
End Function

' Kill all exe by pids ( paramater string of pids with coma ).
' Depends : bv_KillExeByPid()
Function bv_KillAllExeByPids( cPids_bv )
   Dim cReturn_bv
   Dim cPid_bv
   Dim cString_bv
   Dim i_bv
   cString_bv = cPids_bv
   cReturn_bv = ""
   Do While ( True )
      i_bv    = InStr( cString_bv, "," )
      If i_bv = 0 Then Exit Do
      cPid_bv = Left(  cString_bv, i_bv - 1 )
      If Len( cPid_bv ) = 0 Then Exit Do
      cReturn_bv = cReturn_bv  & bv_KillExeByPid( cPid_bv )
      cString_bv = Right( cString_bv, Len( cString_bv ) - i_bv )
      If Len( cString_bv ) = 0 Then Exit Do
   bv_KillAllExeByPids = cReturn_bv
End Function

' Kill an exe with his PID.
Function bv_KillExeByPid( cPid_bv )
   Dim cReturn_bv
   Dim oPid_bv
   Dim oLocator_bv
   Dim oProcess_bv
   Dim oWMI_bv
   Set oLocator_bv = CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" )
   Set oWMI_bv     = oLocator_bv.ConnectServer( ".", "root\cimv2" )
   oWMI_bv.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
   Set oProcess_bv = oWMI_bv.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_Process where ProcessId = " & cPid_bv )
   cReturn_bv = ""
   For each oPid_bv in oProcess_bv
      cReturn_bv = cReturn_bv & cPid_bv & " "
      On Error Resume Next
         If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            cReturn_bv = cReturn_bv & "Not "
         End If
      On Error GoTo 0
      cReturn_bv = cReturn_bv & "Killed" & vbCrLf
   Set oPid_bv     = Nothing
   Set oLocator_bv = Nothing
   Set oProcess_bv = Nothing
   Set oWMI_bv     = Nothing
   bv_KillExeByPid = cReturn_bv
End Function

' Write a string in a file : charset = UNICODE.
Sub bv_MemoWritU( cFile_bv, cString_bv )
   Dim oFile_bv
   Dim oFso_bv
   Dim ForWriting   : ForWriting   =  2
   Dim TristateTrue : TristateTrue = -1
   Set oFso_bv = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
   If oFso_bv.FileExists( cFile_bv ) Then
      oFso_bv.DeleteFile cFile_bv
   End If
   Set oFile_bv = oFso_bv.OpenTextFile( cFile_bv, ForWriting, True, TristateTrue )
   oFile_bv.Write cString_bv
   Set oFile_bv = Nothing
   Set oFso_bv  = Nothing
End Sub

' Run with options.
Sub bv_Run( cRun_bv, cDisplay_bv, lStop_bv )
   CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ).Run cRun_bv, cDisplay_bv, lStop_bv
End Sub

' Pause in script in second(s).
Sub bv_Sleep( nSeconds_bv )
   WScript.Sleep Int( nSeconds_bv * 1000 )
End Sub
Hi Bernard,


Sadly I can't use the scriptingobject freeware in the AntView product, but I am looking for a solution.
Earlier this week I started some tests, but had to bin it for a later version as we're close to a new release and this wasn't nearly ready. So that code got moved to the 1.2 branch (which does not mean it will be released in 1.2.x)

I will certainly study what you have done here and at least you seem to have a solution for now.
Which is great news!

(2023-02-17, 00:29:27)wila Wrote: Hi Bernard,


Sadly I can't use the scriptingobject freeware in the AntView product, but I am looking for a solution.
Earlier this week I started some tests, but had to bin it for a later version as we're close to a new release and this wasn't nearly ready. So that code got moved to the 1.2 branch (which does not mean it will be released in 1.2.x)

I will certainly study what you have done here and at least you seem to have a solution for now.
Which is great news!

Hello Will,
Now, I do not use WScript.CreateObject().
I am making my code for my application to look if is ok.
My application is writed with Harbour and call VBScript with win_olecreateobject( "msscriptcontrol.scriptcontrol" ) and never stop ( work alone, I connect with RDP ).
FYI, as of version 1.1.375 there is now a vbscript example as well.

It uses the Internet Explorer application object to host our control, more details are here:

Internet explorer example

and the html page itself:

So we're using the legacy html control - which can host ActiveX controls and thus also AntView - to embed a modern WebView2 engine Smile

Thanks Wil,

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