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In general terms, how does Vimalin work?
Hi Wil,

thanks for explaining how Vimalin works. I've written some of my own backup scripts which restart suspended VMs, shutdown my application (actually a simulation which does lots of DB stuff) and then shutdown the VMs before backup. I suspect with a bit more research I could add this method of backups to them but I'm not sure it's worth my time. The mention you made of how the memory file is saved too and its implications is enlightening.

I think your program is very much needed for most Fusion users—like another of your correspondents it won't be vital for me—and will be very glad to buy it after release. I find it astounding how little effort VMware have put into ensuring their users are backing up their VM correctly; the information is out there and users coming from enterprise won't need educating but everyone else will, I expect, eventually have a nasty surprise.

Anyway, thanks again.

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