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Nothing displays in Antview browser window VB6
Hi Kevin,

Hmm.. peculiar. When the control fails to instantiate it tends to come up in grey.
In that case you're basically looking at an empty wrapper that has no WebView2 control hosted in it.

From the log, the main 2 lines of interest are these, the first line indicates that we've asked the WebView2 control to instantiate itself.
2023-08-22 10:40:49.940 Start async creation of the WebView2 control.
and that's then followed by the event that triggers to notify if the control instantiated with success (S_OK) or if it failed.
2023-08-22 10:40:51.511 Event OnCreateWebviewCompleted HResult = 0x00000000 (S_OK)
When it failed it usually also comes with the particular Windows error that might give us an idea.

The peculiar bit is that it comes up as succeeded while the control does not draw the embedded WebView2 control.
In other words, the WebView2 reports that there's no problem, but it isn't getting drawn either.
I have seen this indeed happen with modal forms before and it wasn't always easy to reproduce.

Seems to have to do with the timing of the form activation process and the control it embeds. I am always interested in a reproducible case of this to see if there's nothing that can be done to detect and correct this particular behavior.

PS: Glad to hear you have a workaround.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Nothing displays in Antview browser window VB6 - by wila - 2023-08-22, 15:55:05

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