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error on scheduled backup
When inspecting the log file it became clear that Vimalin tried to backup a .vmx~ lock file.
The file was there when it enumerated the VM folder, but gone at the time it tried to backup that file. Of course it makes no sense to backup a lock file.
To be frank I have not seen these type of lock files recently, it might be a VMware Workstation 10.x difference.

Either way, this has now been addressed. Vimalin no longer tries to backup .vmx~ files.

You can download the latest version either via File -> Check for Updates, or via the main website.

Then uninstall the old version. If the uninstaller asks to reboot after uninstalling then please reboot as otherwise your install will be broken, most of the times a reboot is not asked though.
After that you can install the new version.


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