2023-02-13, 12:56:30
Hello Wil,
If you want, you can play with my WMI test code.
If you want, you can play with my WMI test code.
' WMI.vbs
' Script to evaluate the Windows WMI ( CIM and Win32 classes ).
' This code is a basic sample.
' https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cimwin32-wmi-providers
' https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-provider
option explicit
' Parameter : active a class to edit ( not all class arent in this code ).
'Const classe = "CIM_Chassis" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_Chip" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_DesktopMonitor" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_DMA" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_Display" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_LogicalDevice" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_Memory" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_MemoryCapacity" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_MemoryCheck" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_MemoryMappedIO" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_MemoryOnCard" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_NonVolatileStorage" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_OSVersionCheck" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_PhysicalMedia" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_PhysicalElement" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_PhysicalMemory" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_Process" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_Processor" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_Product" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_Setting" ' Error on << nItems = Items.count >>.
'Const classe = "CIM_Thread" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_USBDevice" ' ok.
'Const classe = "CIM_VideoController" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_1394Controller" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_1394ControllerDevice" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_AutochkSetting" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_BaseBoard" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_Battery" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_BIOS" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_Bus" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_CacheMemory" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_CDROMDrive" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_CIMLogicalDeviceCIMDataFile" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_ComputerSystem" ' Maybe a default : loop always.
'Const classe = "Win32_CurrentProbe" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_DesktopMonitor" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_DeviceChangeEvent" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_Directory" ' ok, long time.
'Const classe = "Win32_DiskDrive" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_DiskPartition" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_DMAChannel" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_SystemEnclosure" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_Fan" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_FloppyController" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_FloppyDrive" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_HeatPipe" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_IDEController" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_IDEControllerDevice" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_InfraredDevice" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_IRQResource" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_Keyboard" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_LogicalDisk" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_MotherboardDevice" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_NetworkAdapter" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_NetworkClient" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_NetworkConnection" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_NetworkLoginProfile" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_NetworkProtocol" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_NTEventLogFile" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_NTLogEvent" ' ok, long time.
'Const classe = "Win32_NTLogEventLog" ' Long time.
'Const classe = "Win32_NTLogEventComputer" ' Long time.
'Const classe = "Win32_NTLogEventUser" ' Long time.
'Const classe = "Win32_OperatingSystem" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_PerfFormattedData_TCPIP_NetworkInterface" ' ok.
Const classe = "Win32_Printer" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_PrinterDriver" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_Process" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_Processor" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_Refrigeration" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_Service" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_TemperatureProbe" ' ok.
'Const classe = "Win32_UserAccount" ' ok.
Const ForWriting = 2
Const TristateTrue = -1
Public pu_cOut : pu_cOut = bv_DirBase() & "\_Result.txt" ' TXT output file created.
Dim a
Dim cLine
Dim cType
Dim i
Dim Item
Dim Items
Dim Method
Dim n
Dim nItems
Dim oFile
Dim oFso
Dim oLocator
Dim oWMI
Dim Propertie
bv_fErase( pu_cOut )
Set oFso = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
Set oFile = oFso.OpenTextFile( pu_cOut, ForWriting, True, TristateTrue )
QOutWrite "WMI class selected : " & classe, oFile
QOutWrite "", oFile
Set oLocator = CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" )
Set oWMI = oLocator.ConnectServer( ".", "root\cimv2" )
Set Items = oWMI.ExecQuery( "Select * from " & classe )
nItems = Items.count
QOutWrite "Items count : " & CStr( nItems ), oFile
QOutWrite "", oFile
If nItems < 1 Then
QOutWrite "No item for class : " & classe, oFile
i = 0
For Each Item in Items
i = i + 1
' Write the method(s).
If i = 1 Then
QOutWrite "Method(s) : " & Cstr( Item.Methods_.Count ), oFile
QOutWrite "", oFile
For Each Method in Item.Methods_
QOutWrite Method.Name & "()", oFile
QOutWrite "", oFile
End If
bv_QOut( "Item " & Cstr( i ) & " / " & Cstr( nItems ) )
oFile.WriteLine( String( 70, "-" ) & " " + CStr( i ) & " / " & Cstr( nItems ) )
oFile.WriteLine( "" )
' Get the max lenght of the properties names.
n = 1
For Each Propertie in Item.Properties_
If Len( Propertie.Name ) > n Then
n = Len( Propertie.Name )
End If
n = n + 1
' Write the properties.
For Each Propertie in Item.Properties_
cType = TypeName( Propertie.Value )
cLine = bv_Padr( cType, 11, " " ) & "- "
cLine = cLine & bv_Padr( Propertie.Name, n, "." ) & " "
If cType = "String" Then
cLine = cLine & Propertie.Value
ElseIf cType = "Null" Then
cLine = cLine
ElseIf cType = "Variant()" Then
cLine = cLine & "Array( " & CStr( UBound( Propertie.Value ) ) & " )" & vbCrLf
For a = LBound( Propertie.Value ) to UBound( Propertie.Value ) Step 1
cType = TypeName( Propertie.Value( a ) )
cLine = cLine & bv_Padl( Cstr( a ), 10, " " ) & " . "
cLine = cLine & bv_Padr( cType, 11, " " ) & ". "
If cType = "String" Then
cLine = cLine & Propertie.Value( a )
ElseIf cType = "Null" Then
cLine = cLine
ElseIf cType = "Variant()" Then
cLine = cLine & "Array( " & CStr( UBound( Propertie.Value( a ) ) ) & " )"
cLine = cLine & CStr( Propertie.Value( a ) )
End If
If a < UBound( Propertie.Value ) Then
cLine = cLine & vbCrLf
End If
cLine = cLine & CStr( Propertie.Value )
End If
oFile.WriteLine( cLine )
oFile.WriteLine( "" )
End If
Set oFile = Nothing
Set oFso = Nothing
Set Item = Nothing
Set Propertie = Nothing
Set Method = Nothing
Set oLocator = Nothing
Set Items = Nothing
Set oWMI = Nothing
bv_Run pu_cOut, 1, False
' ***** Used tools *****
' Get the default directory.
Function bv_DirBase()
bv_DirBase = Left( WScript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev( WScript.ScriptFullName, "\" ) )
End Function
' Erase a file.
Sub bv_fErase( cFile_bv )
Dim oFso_bv
Set oFso_bv = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
If oFso_bv.FileExists( cFile_bv ) Then
oFso_bv.DeleteFile cFile_bv
End If
Set oFso_bv = Nothing
End Sub
' Load with CScript if the script is loaded with VBScript to look the console.
Sub bv_LoadWithCScript()
If InStr( LCase( WScript.FullName ), "cscript.exe" ) = 0 Then
CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ).Run "cscript.exe //NoLogo """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & ""
End If
End Sub
' Add character(s) at left of a string.
Function bv_Padl( cString_bv, nChars_bv, cChar_bv )
bv_Padl = String( nChars_bv - Len( cString_bv ), cChar_bv ) & cString_bv
End Function
' Add character(s) at right of a string.
Function bv_Padr( cString_bv, nChars_bv, cChar_bv )
bv_Padr = cString_bv & String( nChars_bv - Len( cString_bv ), cChar_bv )
End Function
' Write a line in the console.
Sub bv_QOut( cString_bv )
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine cString_bv
End Sub
' Write a line in the console and in a file.
Sub QOutWrite( cString_bv, oFile_bv )
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine cString_bv
oFile_bv.WriteLine( cString_bv )
End Sub
' Run with options.
Sub bv_Run( cRun_bv, cDisplay_bv, lStop_bv )
CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ).Run cRun_bv, cDisplay_bv, lStop_bv
End Sub
' Wait and exit with press << Enter >>.
Sub bv_Wait()
Dim cString_bv
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine ""
WScript.StdOut.Write "Press << Enter >> to exit"
cString_bv = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
End Sub