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[VFP] Modal Window not displaying
This is the first I've come across this problem, which seems to be specific to this ActiveX control.

VFP has the ability to display forms within a Top-Level form as a Modal. With a Modal Window no user input (keyboard or mouse) can occur in any other form or in the menu until the modal form is hidden or released. Showing it "In a Top-Level Form" means the form is a child form of the active top-level form, which can be the main Visual FoxPro window or another top-level form.

I'm using the provided VFP form as a sample, which works great.

Basically, I'd like the form with the AntView control to be confined within my main application's window and be the only window that can receive events or be interacted with. If I use the normal settings (In Top-Level Form and Modal), the form never appears. It's init methods run, as well as it's destroy and release methods.

The form appears as normal when setting it to be Modeless.

It's almost as if the ActiveX control is preventing the window from displaying.

Messages In This Thread
[VFP] Modal Window not displaying - by echolis - 2022-10-12, 22:35:42
RE: [VFP] Modal Window not displaying - by wila - 2022-10-13, 12:43:49
RE: [VFP] Modal Window not displaying - by wila - 2022-10-17, 12:33:01
RE: [VFP] Modal Window not displaying - by wila - 2022-10-17, 12:46:28
RE: [VFP] Modal Window not displaying - by wila - 2022-10-31, 18:13:55
RE: [VFP] Modal Window not displaying - by wila - 2023-03-31, 14:46:48
RE: [VFP] Modal Window not displaying - by wila - 2023-04-18, 14:32:54

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