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Vimalin for Fusion 2.6.547 update - Printable Version

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Vimalin for Fusion 2.6.547 update - wila - 2021-07-18

Vimalin for Fusion 2.6.547 update

This is an update release that addresses a specific macOS Big Sur and macOS Monterey issue
(or use the Vimalin -> "Check for Updates" menu option)

Please note that the update recommendation is to first uninstall your existing Vimalin application by dragging it to the Trash (or for our English users, drag it to the Bin).
Only after the old Vimalin is uninstalled run the installer to update to Vimalin 2.6.547.

Here's the list of changes since version 2.6.542:

General fixes
  • Email notifications are broken in macOS Big Sur 11.5 and macOS Monterey. This update fixes that.

Start screen
  • Once the 60 days trial are passed, you now get an indicator that shows you that some functionality is disabled and a button for more info. This was added after getting feed back that some users did not even know that some functionality didn't work because the trial version expired.

More information about Vimalin is available at the main website: