Be notified in end of process - - 2024-12-05
I use onnavigationcompletehex event for knowing that web page has finished refreshing a url; a web site.
But now, i have a case in what i can get this way working. In the web site appears a popup saying search is in process, but when finished i don't see onnavigationcompletehex event being fired.
Hope the code helps to debug this problem.
Code: local m.clink, m.cscript, m.valor, m.exito, m.finished
* browse to main page
m.clink = ""
m.clink = m.clink + "!ut/p/b1/jZC7bsMwDEW_qCBFybI1SnIsO0gbPyK31lJ4KIIEeSxFv7"
m.clink = m.clink + "-KEaBT1HAjeC4PQQgwvSiVsZxJSfAB4TL_HPbz9-F6mU-"
m.clink = m.clink + "3PshPsdpaW9WExcBLpE3pvaxj67IITBHAB6VxyZuhKLRhGpH7ArXsOqviHlT8ns-"
m.clink = m.clink + "4FeN6bOXQOMSmrsqNZxk6ks_5E4JbXo-"
m.clink = m.clink + "rTjeKIyprkHoteucpjvN7_qGAnvMnBP_k3yEsSOoDC5B6cVpC8FZfz18wRSz_O3Vr-"
m.clink = m.clink + "oit29dd64ghCtjBZOAcTlUs1RzF_AuxMNAf/dl4/d5/"
m.clink = m.clink + "L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/pw/Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004/"
m.clink = m.clink + "act/id=0/p=javax.servlet.include.path_info=QCPjspQCPbusquedaQCPMainBusqueda.jsp"
m.finished = .f.
DO WHILE !m.finished
* wait for onnavigationcompletehex that changes m.finished value
m.cscript = "jsfcljs(document.forms["
m.cscript = m.cscript + "'viewns_Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004_:form1']"
m.cscript = m.cscript + ",{'viewns_Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004_:form1:linkFormularioBusqueda':"
m.cscript = m.cscript + "'viewns_Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004_:form1:linkFormularioBusqueda'},'')"
m.finished = .f.
DO WHILE !m.finished
* wait for onnavigationcompletehex that changes m.finished value
* From publication date field
m.valor = ""
thisform.oantviewdocument.RequestElementValueByIdSync("viewns_Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004_:form1:textMinFecAnuncioMAQ2", @m.valor)
DO WHILE isnull(m.valor) OR empty(m.valor)
thisform.oantviewdocument.SetElementValueByIdSync("viewns_Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004_:form1:textMinFecAnuncioMAQ2", "05-12-2024")
thisform.oantviewdocument.RequestElementValueByIdSync("viewns_Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004_:form1:textMinFecAnuncioMAQ2", @m.valor)
* To publication date field
m.valor = ""
thisform.oantviewdocument.RequestElementValueByIdSync("viewns_Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004_:form1:textMaxFecAnuncioMAQ", @m.valor)
DO WHILE isnull(m.valor) OR empty(m.valor)
thisform.oantviewdocument.SetElementValueByIdSync("viewns_Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004_:form1:textMaxFecAnuncioMAQ", "05-12-2024")
thisform.oantviewdocument.RequestElementValueByIdSync("viewns_Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004_:form1:textMaxFecAnuncioMAQ", @m.valor)
* Begin search
m.cscript = "iniciarBusqueda('button1', "
m.cscript = m.cscript + 'document.getElementById("viewns_Z7_AVEQAI930OBRD02JPMTPG21004_:form1:button1")'
m.cscript = m.cscript + ");"
m.finished = .f.
DO WHILE !m.finished
* wait for onnavigationcompletehex that changes m.finished value
*--- Now, how can i be notified that navigation has being completed?
* onnavigationcompletehex seems to not work in this case
m.finished = .f.
DO WHILE !m.finished
* wait for onnavigationcompletehex that changes m.finished value
RE: Be notified in end of process - wila - 2024-12-05
WebView2 has an asynchronous interface and as such having a loop and waiting for an event to be raised... doesn't work, as the windows messages never end up getting processed in your tight loop.
See also: No UI threads in an event and in particular the link in there that goes to Microsoft's explaining about the threading model the control uses.
Also see: Asynchronous versus Synchronous
As a result I tend to use timers to work around the inability of a programming language to deal with asynchronous interfaces.
An example is here: VB6 - Exchange Rates example
However.. that's a real pain to program and makes code somewhat difficult to follow.
So... that's why AntView has a lot of synchronous versions of the original asynchronous API methods.
In your case, instead of using the navigate method, I suggest to use navigateSync instead, as then you can drop all the loops where you are waiting for the navigation to complete.
Hope this helps,
RE: Be notified in end of process - - 2024-12-05
Fine. I always use synchronous methods.
I'll test all this suggestions.
RE: Be notified in end of process - - 2024-12-05
Using navigatesync event fired when end works fine.
Thank you and apologyse for so many questions
RE: Be notified in end of process - wila - 2024-12-05
Hi Carlos,
Glad to hear it works and not a problem at all, you're welcome.