I am using Vimarun for some time and I think it will be useful to have some more settings.
There are cases when I do not want for a specific VM to auto start, so would be useful an option to check which VMs should start automatically.
Another useful option would be the possibility to set a time delay for VMs resuming. Because if you are using a lot of VMs, starting all in the same time is very slow.
Do you think it will be possible to implement these on a future release?
Thank you for using Vimarun and for your questions / feature requests.
re. 1.
> There are cases when I do not want for a specific VM to auto start, so would be useful an option to check which VMs should start automatically.
When you start the Vimarun interface and have added a VM to the list then each line in that list has a checkbox as the first item on that line. Unchecking that checkbox will make sure that the VM on that line is not auto suspended, nor will it be auto started.
Unless you've bumped into a bug or unless I am misunderstanding the request that should take care of this particular request.
re. 2.
> Another useful option would be the possibility to set a time delay for VMs resuming. Because if you are using a lot of VMs, starting all in the same time is very slow.
There's actually a feature request open for this. I have added your name to the list and will indeed consider to add this for a next version. It certainly is a feature that would make sense to have.
re. 1.
> When you start the Vimarun interface and have added a VM to the list then each line in that list has a checkbox as the first item on that line. Unchecking that checkbox will make sure that the VM on that line is not auto suspended, nor will it be auto started.
Yes, but I wanted to tell something else. I need the option to auto suspend the VM, but sometimes not to auto start.
Maybe you could put two checkboxes, one for auto suspend and the other for auto start?
So I misunderstood your feature request.
I have opened a ticket for looking into this.
Thanks for the suggestion.